Labor Cost Management

Director/Manager of Accounting

July 16, 2015 1:13 pm

Average Cash Compensation $112,700
Average gross annual salary $107,700
Percentage eligible for bonus or profit sharing 53%
Average bonus or profit sharing $9,600
Median Cash Compensation $100,000
Percentage reporting directly to an officer 55%
Percentage reporting to a mid-level manager 37%
Number of Participants 161
Average Age 48
Average Years Experience in Healthcare 20
Average Years Member of HFMA 12
Average Years in Current Position 7
Average Number of Employees Under Direction 10
Median Number of Employees Under Direction 5
CERTIFICATIONS Percentage Compensation
CPA 50% $122,800
FHFMA or CHFP 17% $112,800
EDUCATION Percentage Compensation
Bachelor’s Degree 63% $106,800
Master’s Degree 34% $128,500
TITLE Percentage Compensation
Supervisor 5% -small sample-
Manager 49% $90,800
Director 45% $141,100
ORGANIZATION TYPE Percentage Compensation
Hospital with 117 beds or less 19% $77,200
Hospital from 118 to 356 beds 19% $122,900
Hospital with 365 beds or greater 19% $106,200
System level, headquarters or regional 39% $129,500
GENDER Percentage Compensation
Men 34% $133,900
Women 66% $102,100
Less than or equal to $125 million 23% $87,800
From $127 million to $329 million 24% $116,600
From $333 million to $1,050 million 24% $107,200
Greater than or equal to $1,100 million 23% $140,900
YEARS IN HEALTHCARE Percentage Compensation
Less than or equal to 11 Years 22% $85,000
From 12 to 18 Years 22% $110,400
From 19 to 27 Years 22% $120,000
More than or equal to 28 Years 22% $143,600
Less than or equal to 2 Employees 25% $113,200
From 2.5 to 5 Employees 27% $91,300
From 6 to 10 Employees 25% $109,600
Greater than or equal to 11 Employees 23% $140,600
REGION Percentage Compensation
Northeast 25% $138,200
South 27% $107,700
Midwest 36% $98,800
West 12% $113,000
YEARS IN HFMA Percentage Compensation
Less than or equal to 4 Years 22% $89,200
From 5 to 10 Years 29% $97,300
From 11 to 18 Years 25% $116,200
More than or equal to 19 Years 24% $148,400

All of the participants have titles indicating mid-management responsibilities. Most titles include the words “accounting, accountant manager, or financial reporting.” 161 accounting managers and directors responded to the survey, out of 515 sampled, resulting in a response rate of 31%. There is 95% probability that the mean compensation for directors and managers of accounting in HFMA lies between $102,400 and $123,100.


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