GuideIQ, powered by Guidehouse

Access is a benefit of your HFMA provider membership.

HFMA provider members have access to GuideIQ as a benefit of membership. Access using the button below and review the lower information, including visuals, to better understand your organization’s market position and benchmark it to peers.

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Accelerate Growth and Improve Resiliency

Health systems use GuideIQ, an integrated business optimization technology platform launched by Guidehouse in collaboration with HFMA, to clearly understand market position, manage enterprise risks, and drive financial and operational resiliency.

HFMA provider members have access to GuideIQ as a benefit of membership (Not an HFMA member? Join today). Access using the button below and review the lower information, including visuals, to better understand your organization’s market position and benchmark it to peers.

Only HFMA provider members have access to GuideIQ as a benefit of membership. Your current membership type does not fall into this category. If this an error, contact HFMA Member Services.

Retention Analytics

Retention analytics represent the retention of Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries by integrated delivery network (IDN), with leading systems usually seeing retention above 70%. Even if your retention rate is strong, it is imperative to understand what types of services are being rendered, where, and why.

Market Share

Market share percentage is calculated based on the total Medicare FFS spend associated with each health system.

Value Analysis

Value analysis helps IDNs understand costs and charges relative to their peers to determine underlying drivers of market dynamics. In a price transparent market, charges that are not aligned with care costs will be more apparent to payers, competitors, and consumers. Higher costs relative to peers can also indicate room for improvement within the organization.

Medicare PMPY Spend

Medicare FFS per-member, per year (PMPY) spend is an excellent proxy for an organization’s ability to manage total cost of care. Understanding the PMPY medical spend for attributed Medicare beneficiaries helps organizations comprehend issues driving excess spend, including referral patterns, leakage, and utilization patterns.

Interested in Learning More?

Watch this introductory video on GuideIQ, a new provider market intelligence tool from HFMA and Guidehouse.

Accessing GuideIQ

HFMA and Guidehouse launched GuideIQ in July 2023. Please note that access of this tool is limited to HFMA members who work in a provider setting. You will be asked to review terms of access which stipulate this and other important information prior to accessing GuideIQ data.


Once Terms of Access are accepted and the Launch Guide IQ button is clicked, a new tab will open in your browser and you will be directed to GuideIQ. Should you require assistance at this point or beyond, please contact Guidehouse. If you have issues with accessing the Terms of Access or the Launch Guide IQ button, contact HFMA.

About Guidehouse Health

Guidehouse is a global consulting firm providing advisory, digital, and managed services to commercial and public sectors. Guidehouse Health helps providers, government agencies, life sciences companies, payers, and more solve complex industry challenges. A 4-time 2023 Best in KLAS winner, Guidehouse ranked 2022’s second largest healthcare consulting firm by Modern Healthcare.