HFMA Marketing Opportunities
Harness the power of HFMA. Reach the most influential professionals in healthcare finance through HFMA advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Whether you are informing, influencing, or adding value Hfma offers various marketing opportunities to reach your audience, increase your brand exposure, and interact with consumers.
What are your sales and marketing goals? Increase your brand’s recognition in the industry, promote your product or service, generate new leads, position your organization as a thought leader, or spark new conversations with prospective customers – all the opportunities you need to reach your target audience are with HFMA advertising.
Be Seen as a Thought Leader
Demonstrate your expertise and gain credibility by promoting your thought-leadership content in conjunction with HFMA’s well-known editorial resources.
Generate the Right
Explore opportunities designed to meet your demand-generation goals, such as face-to-face and virtual events or an event all your own.
Network with Your Prospects
Connect and network with your target audience, in person, through various options, from conference exhibiting to roundtable discussions, workshop presentations, and more.
Grow Your Brand Awareness
Take your business to the next level with our highly-engaged member base. We’ll help you grow your brand reach and visibility with a customized course of action.
HFMA’s membership has grown to more than 122,000. This is the highest membership count in the association’s history.
49% of HFMA members are decision-makers or influencers in their organizations. Reach this audience as well as the 42% of HFMA members who are product end users.