
Collaborating for Value: The Path to Successful Academic-Community Relationships

A partnership involving an academic medical center and a community health centers can offer clear benefits to both parties, but before entering on such a relationship, they also should understand the risks it poses.

David Fairchild, MD, MPH May 30, 2018

The CFO’s Role in Accelerating Systemwide Performance Improvement

The varied expertise of CFOs positions them as natural leaders of performance improvement initiatives.

Robert Green, MBA, FACHE, CHFP May 30, 2018

Improving Revenue Cycle Performance by Following Changes in Care Plan

A Maryland-based health system implemented a new tool and processes to decrease denials by following up on deviations from patients’ plans of care.

Sheila Kuenzle May 30, 2018

Healthcare Transformational Landscape: Impact on Accounting From EHR Platforms and Other

The cost of implementing a new electronic health record system can be expensed or capitalized over the life of the implementation project.

Norman C. Mosrie, CPA, FHFMA, CHFP May 30, 2018

Achieving an Aligned Physician Enterprise Through Cultural Transformation

By aligning with physicians and staff members, health system leaders can effect change in their organizations to meet consumer needs and wants.

Michelle Holmes May 30, 2018

Trending Toward Home Care: Is Our Health System Ready?

The advancement of telemedicine and home-based technology presents both opportunities and challenges with respect to improving health care and making it safer.

Tejal K. Gandhi, MD, MPH, CPPS May 30, 2018

Pursuing an Integrated Approach to Pharmacy

This article looks at Premier’s work in helping health systems improve their pharmacy operations to be more integrated, cost-effective, and patient-focused. 

HFMA May 25, 2018

Navigating Value-Based Reimbursement

A roundtable discussion about value-based reimbursement challenges, opportunities, and strategies for success.

HFMA May 24, 2018

Ensuring a High-Performing Referral Network

To be able to ensure patients receive high-quality care under value-base payment arrangements, primary care physicians require well-developed specialty networks for patient referrals.

Clive Fields, MD May 7, 2018

To Succeed at Managing Population Health, Adopt a Health Plan Mindset

To be successful with population health management, healthcare provider organizations should take a lesson from the strategies health plans use to improve the quality of population-level outcomes and performance around costs. 

Allen Miller, MPH May 7, 2018
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