June 11-15: HHS Secretary to Detail Drug Plan
June 7—Members of Congress next week will press the federal government’s healthcare leader on the Trump administration’s new initiative to control drug costs.
Teaching Hospitals Boost Community Spending: Study
June 4—Teaching hospitals are seeing a decrease in charity spending decrease while increasing their spending in community health promotion, according to new research.
Will CPC Model’s Failings Follow into CPC+?
June 1—Improving the practice of medicine at the primary care level by deploying massive, publicly-funded incentives is complicated, but doable on the margins.
June 4-8: High-Deductible Health Plans Draw Congressional Scrutiny
May 31—Amid record-breaking enrollment in high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), a congressional panel plans to examine their growth and consider policies to bolster health savings accounts.
VA Bill to Ease Veterans’ Use of Private Care
May 30—Following years of complaints from hospitals and other providers, Congress recently revamped the Veterans Affairs (VA) Department’s use of outside providers.
Incoming HFMA Chair Calls on Finance Leaders to ‘Imagine Tomorrow’ to Improve Care Delivery and Accessibility Today
HFMA’s 2018-19 Chair, Kevin Brennan, CPAs, calls upon healthcare finance leaders to imagine a future in which innovation promotes improved access to health care that is both more reliable and more affordable.
How Medicare ACOs May Respond to Spiking Risk
May 29—Accountable care organization (ACO) leaders are girding for changes to the Medicare ACO program that may require the vast majority in upside-only models to take on downside risk.
Areas of Healthcare Policy Agreement Would Target Hospitals
May 25—Emerging areas of bipartisan health policy agreement include hospital-targeted policies, according to policy experts.
May 28-June 1: Senate to Focus on Opioid Impacts in Medicare, Medicaid
May 24—The primary Senate committee overseeing Medicare and Medicaid will begin its look at the opioid crisis next week amid a quickly advancing body of bills targeting the issue.
Hospitals Worry Rule Could Lead to Medicaid Rate Cuts
May 23—Proposed changes to federal Medicaid rules could hit hospitals’ bottom lines, advocates warned.