Executive of Healthcare Revenue Cycle (EHRC)

HFMA Executives of Healthcare Revenue Cycle act as leaders to the profession by achieving revenue cycle efficiency and excellence as standard practice in their area of expertise. This designation demonstrates commitment to leadership within the revenue cycle area of healthcare as well as continued involvement and education in healthcare revenue cycle.

Advantages of becoming an Executive of Healthcare Revenue Cycle

The EHRC designation demonstrates revenue cycle excellence. Earning this represents a high level of achievement and distinguishes you as a leader and role model in the revenue cycle industry.

Earning Requirements

Requirements for EHRC application

  • Hold the Certified Revenue Cycle Representative (CRCR) designation.  
  • Active Membership – Be a current Member with 5+ years of tenure as an HFMA Member (Student membership does not count toward tenure, Non-members are not eligible)
  • Letter of Recommendation from an industry leader, HFMA chapter leader or national volunteer, familiar with you/your work on a professional level.
  • Healthcare Management Experience – must meet both requirements:
    • Healthcare Industry Management Experience: Work in the healthcare industry 10+ years 
    • Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Experience. Work in Revenue Cycle Management position 2+ years*  (*2 of 10 industry experience
  • Professional Activity. Select one of three options here:
    • Option 1: Provider – PFC Adopter, MAP Award Applicant/Winner or MAP App Subscriber
    • Option 2: Business Partner – Peer Reviewed or RCC/AC Sponsor
    • Option 3: Volunteer activity – demonstrate any one, or combination of the following contributions to HFMA or the industry within the three years prior to applying:
      • Service as an adjunct instructor at an accredited (post-secondary school) educational institution.
      • Service in an education, certification, or leadership committee role within the local HFMA chapter or service on one of the HFMA association boards or committees (Example: RC Executive Council).
      • Demonstrating a minimum of 10 Hours in the service or preparation of one of the following:
        • Preparation and publication of professional articles in a publication accepted as authoritative in the healthcare industry.
        • Speaking to community groups on revenue cycle topics and/or issues
        • Providing internal staff education on healthcare revenue cycle topics
        • Presenting at an HFMA educational program (Example: Executive Councils, Annual Conference) 
        • Presenting at a related healthcare industry educational program
        • Assistance to those desiring HFMA certification 
        • Mentorship of healthcare revenue cycle professionals

Note: EHRC candidates must meet all the requirements prior to applying.

There are no fees for qualifying members to apply for EHRC status. 

EHRC Maintenance Requirements

HFMA members who have earned the EHRC designation must maintain their certification every three years by meeting the following requirements:

  • Remain an active HFMA member in good standing
  • Complete 45 hours* of eligible education activities every three years.

*Examples: HFMA national events, Revenue Cycle Council meeting attendance.

Proudly display your HFMA certification  

Your certification is a designation of your achievement and professionalism. HFMA’s precision-crafted frames have a stately, prestigious design providing a fitting display for this important symbol of your professional identity. Order your HFMA certification frame.

Press release template: Please contact [email protected] to request a press release template if you would like to announce your new designation in your organization’s newsletter or other media channel(s). 

For more information about the HFMA Certification Programs, contact the Career Services Department at [email protected] or at (800) 252-4362 and ask for Career Services.