Temple University Health System, a 1,020-bed academic health system based in Philadelphia, is dedicated to providing access to quality patient care and supporting excellence in medical education and research. Temple partnered with AMN Healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, seeking clarity on staffing and cost inconsistencies amid rising patient demand to build a more balanced workforce.
Combining data analytics, workforce strategy, and recruitment into a technology-forward, total talent solution, we prescriptively identified Temple Health’s staffing needs and created a foundation of data guidance and utilization to reallocate and balance their workforce.
Despite increased patient demand throughout our partnership, Temple has maintained a steady 92% fill rate, reduced employee turnover by 4.1% , and achieved a total cost savings of $12,250,000 as of 2023.
Learn How Temple Health:
Maintained a steady 92% fill rate,
Reduced employee turnover by 4.1% ,
Achieved a total cost savings of $12,250,000 as of 2023.
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