Improving financial performance and operating margins has become one of the most pressing concerns for health system CEOs. To meet future margin targets, leaders will have to bring a new level of focus, resources and structure to achieve deeper cost reductions on a recurring basis. At the same time, this is critical to ensuring that health systems can better serve patients and communities, attract and retain a skilled workforce, expand lines of service and preserve capital.
Experienced executives have likely engaged in short-term campaigns in the past to cut costs swiftly, but future financial sustainability requires a more extensive, lasting approach to cost avoidance and reduction. This e-book outlines 5 strategies health leaders should consider to improve margins and transform their business models.
Download the e-book to discover how health care organizations are prioritizing a path to improved financial sustainability and margins.
This e-book outlines the 5 strategies health leaders should consider to improve margins and transform their business models:
Align and equip health system leaders
Reevaluate the basics driving your financial operations
Establish consistent analytics for improvement and reporting
Employ automation to modernize health care operations
Consider partnerships to push strategic pursuits forward
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