
Novant Health: Shared reading program is a novel way to influence culture

Novant Health in North Carolina uses a shared reading program to engage team members, with books chosen to support either a system initiative or personal development.

Melissa Parker February 10, 2020

How to successfully manage multiple generations in the workplace

With four generations working side by side, leaders at all levels of a healthcare organization should be aware of ways to promote cohesiveness and effective collaboration.

Nick Hut February 6, 2020

How to mesh employee personality types to foster a successful workplace

Leaders should be aware of different personality types and best practices for managing each.

Jill Geisler January 28, 2020

Effective performance management requires knowing how to give positive feedback

Positive feedback is a powerful tool for performance management when done right. Doing it right requires understanding the definition of effective feedback: information with intent to influence.

Jill Geisler December 31, 2019

Effective performance management requires knowing how to give positive feedback

Positive feedback is a powerful tool for performance management when done right. Doing it right requires understanding the definition of effective feedback: information with intent to influence.

Jill Geisler December 17, 2019

Population health initiative seeks special community status

The governance of Healthy Aurora seeks to equalize decision-making by uncoupling the amount of financial contribution/investment from decision-making authority.

William Marty Martin December 16, 2019

Corporate social responsiveness regardless of tax status

A single organization can engage in both corporate social responsibility, driven by compliance with laws, regulations and norms, and corporate social responsiveness, driven by organizational vision, mission and values and often framed as the “right thing to do.”

William Marty Martin December 13, 2019

What leaders should know before having tough conversations about performance

Leaders can enhance their performance management skills if they know how to prepare for tough conversations with employees, then how to stay on course during the conversation and how to follow up afterward.

Jill Geisler December 13, 2019

Cost transformation requires accountability

Incumbent providers will be put to the test as the healthcare business model shifts to a price-competitive, retail-focused market. All stakeholders within the organization must understand what is at stake and their responsibilities for achieving results.

Kaufman Hall/Axiom and HFMA December 12, 2019

Going digital in 3 areas avoids nurse burnout and improves retention

Using digital tools in key areas of any healthcare organization helps avoid burnout and retain nurses and other clinicians.

Will Eadie December 11, 2019
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