Administrative Simplification

Key Senate committee takes a close look at healthcare waste and prices

The U.S. Senate is intent on finding ways to improve the value of healthcare, according to takeaways from a recent hearing of the Budget Committee. Although other committees and subcommittees in both chambers of Congress have held meaningful hearings about healthcare policy and costs this year, the Budget Committee’s attention to the matter is especially…

Nick Hut December 7, 2023

TruBridge Complete Business O­ffice (CBO) solution brings financial stability to the revenue cycle

Is your healthcare organization looking for a way to reduce pressure, stress and time on administrative and financial management? Check out this company’s portfolio of solutions to stabilize revenue cycle operations and bring back time for your staff to care for patients.

HFMA January 30, 2023

Waystar simplifies existing revenue cycle systems for more effective payment

With the industry’s largest SaaS RCM platform, one company surrounds and supplements health systems’ existing systems to simplify healthcare payments.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Rising to the moment: Addressing COVID-19’s challenges by advancing data interoperability

Improved interoperability in healthcare data exchange has been one byproduct of the COVID-19 pandemic that may ultimately help improve the delivery of care — as well as its cost effectiveness — in the United States.

Therasa Bell November 11, 2021

Research highlights ways to save more than $250 billion per year through healthcare administrative simplification

Savings can be generated at the organizational and healthcare industry levels through steps to reduce wasteful administrative processes, study authors wrote.

Nick Hut October 22, 2021

How physicians, hospitals and health systems should prepare for the operational and financial impact of 2021 E/M code changes

In this Q&A, Craig Joseph, MD, chief medical officer for Nordic Consulting Partners, provides insight into why physicians, hospitals and health systems should pay attention to new E/M coding guideline changes are going into effect on January 1, 2021.

Katie Gilfillan August 19, 2021

Front-line stories: How today’s prior authorization processes create a burden of waste for providers

As hospitals continue to struggle with razor-thin margins, they should actively identify activities that create financial burdens for them without delivering value to patients. One health system’s stories of administrative waste due to prior authorization processes show why this activity should be be high on their list.

Alan S. Kaplan, MD, MMM, FACPE February 19, 2021

Hospitals try to apply lessons learned during the COVID-19 response

Hospitals are looking to apply lessons and innovations learned from their response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Rich Daly December 10, 2020

Physicians are burned out: How healthcare finance leaders can help

HFMA's Katie Gilfillan says healthcare finance and executive teams should appreciate having the oversight of where to invest dollars that builds a strategy toward a culture of health and well-being of physicians.

Katie Gilfillan October 6, 2020

Make your cloud transformation endure: 5 steps for a lasting enterprise cloud strategy

A strategy-focused article about implementing a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, which focuses on the role of planning, teamwork, communication and continuous performance monitoring.

HFMA May 18, 2020
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