CMS and MedPAC Guidelines and Trends

Improve Compliance and Revenue by Understanding the Two-Midnight Rule

Edward Hu, MD, president of the American College of Physician Colleges, offers guidance for physicians seeking to better understand the two-midnight rule.

Edward Hu August 29, 2017

The Abuse and Misuse of Observation Services

Lack of limitations on observation status has led to confusion and increased expense among patients. 

Paul Shoemaker August 1, 2017

PAMA’s Impact on Laboratory Margins

Lâle White describes changes to come in 2018 as a result of CMS’s new clinical laboratory fee schedule. 

Lâle White August 1, 2017

Managing Care Variation: Optimizing Total Joint Replacement Bundle

Advisory Board’s Sean Angert discusses ways healthcare organizations can improve performance in bundled payment programs.

Sean Angert June 29, 2017

Value-Based Care: Past, Present, and Future

Nick Vennaro delivers a retrospective on value-based care with an eye toward the future.

Nick Vennaro June 5, 2017

Understanding CJR Payment Reconciliation

Deirdre Baggot looks at the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement program one year in.

Deirdre Baggot April 27, 2017

CMS Bundles: Why Leave Millions on the Table?

Health systems will soon learn how successful their participation in the mandatory Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement program has been. 

Jean Drouin March 28, 2017

Finding a Better Way to Handle Claim Attachments

Standardizing the electronic submission of claims attachments is a hot topic in the industry as stakeholders look for ways to reduce costs.

Laura Ramos Hegwer February 15, 2017

Bundled Payments: Value-Based Guidance

The authors share insights about bundled payment programs in an ever-changing healthcare environment.

Amol Navathe February 1, 2017

Ask the Expert: CMS Statements for Medicare Patients

States--not CMS--have regulations in place related to timely patient notification of the availability of financial assistance/charity, as well as a statement that includes a summary of charges.

HFMA October 25, 2012
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