Variable Rate Debt Option in a Changing Market
It is important for healthcare finance leaders to know how much variable-rate debt and the types of such debt their organization can and should be carrying.
The Future of Value
The move toward value remains a constant although the future of health care is uncertain.
Information Security Concepts
The ever-changing IT landscape calls for constant attention to information security tools.
Next Steps for Physician Leaders
The future of healthcare delivery in the United States will depend on physician leadership, with strong support from administrative leaders.
Next-Generation Investments for Today’s Healthcare CFO
Two trends that anticipate the future of U.S. health care involve the emergence of hospital command centers and super-partnerships between providers and technology vendors.
Finance Manager Urges Organ Donations After Two Family Members Saved
Karen Denko not only advocates for others to donate life when they die but she became a living organ donor to her niece when her kidneys failed.
Truly Thriving Requires a Little TLC
When assessing the costs of health care, it is important to remember that “tender loving care” is inextricably linked with ‘total costs of care.”
Preventing Physician Burnout With Collaboration and Respect
Physician-authors Paul DeChant and Diane W. Shannon write that although the increasing prevalence of burnout is manifested in individual physicians, the root cause is systemic stress in the workplace.
Personalizing Statements to Enhance Patient Engagement
UPMC embeds QR codes in its patient statements to enable consumers to use their smartphones to pay their bills.
A Closer Look at Effective Early-Out Strategies
Healthcare organizations are catching up with other industries in their approaches to patients as consumers and the customer experience. Emerging alternatives to traditional billing and collections practices can increase timely patient payments while building strong patient relationships.