Operations Management

Director/Manager of Accounting

Average Cash Compensation $ 112,700

HFMA July 16, 2015


Average Cash Compensation $ 123,900

HFMA July 15, 2015

Chief Financial Officer

Average Cash Compensation $ 266,000

HFMA July 15, 2015


Average Cash Compensation $ 75,000

HFMA July 15, 2015


Average cash compensation $ 61,200

HFMA July 15, 2015

2015 Compensation Survey Results

Designed and conducted by HFMA, this survey of HFMA members contains data on 12 positions in hospitals and health systems.

HFMA July 15, 2015

Getting a Handle on Staff Turnover

A balanced approach to managing revenue cycle staff turnover—keeping overall rates low but also recognizing the need for “good” turnover—is an important factor in managing new healthcare payment models.

Kathleen B. Vega July 9, 2015

A Perfectly Legal Way to Help Patients Pick Higher-Quality Post-Acute Providers

For fear of legal ramifications, hospital case managers and discharge planners are not sharing quality information about post-acute providers with patients.

J. Stuart Showalter April 16, 2015

What Does Financial Success Look Like in the CAH World?

CFO Bryce K. Betke credits four key factors for Crete Area Medical Center’s success: affiliation, payer mix, physician employment, and population health.

Lauren Phillips June 12, 2014

Tool: Service Line Planning Annual Calendar

Mission Hospital recently revamped and streamlined its service line planning approach, assigning specific tasks to specific months of the year.

HFMA June 13, 2013
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