
Medicare Overpayments Final Rule Fact Sheet

This fact sheet summarizes the final rule published by CMS requiring providers and suppliers receiving funds under the Medicare program to report and return overpayments. 

HFMA March 22, 2016

Medicare Program; Part B Drug Payment Model Summary of Proposed Rule

This document summarizes the important details of CMS's proposal to test a new payment model called the Part B Drug Payment Model.

HFMA March 22, 2016

Medicare Shared Savings Program Proposed Benchmarking Rule Summary

This document highlights the important changes that would be made to the benchmarking rebasing methodology used in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), among other changes.

HFMA March 4, 2016

CY16 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Fact Sheet

CMS has released a final rule with comment period that will revise payment polices under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for CY16.

HFMA February 23, 2016

Finding Success in the Physician Feedback Program/Value-Based Modifier

By taking certain steps, physician practices can make the most of CMS’s quality outcome feedback and payment program.

Andis Robeznieks February 11, 2016

How CHRISTUS Health Supports Exchange Enrollment

CHRISTUS Health appoints regional executives who work with coalition partners to reach market-specific health insurance exchange enrollment goals.

Lola Butcher February 9, 2016

Executive Summary – Proposed MSSP “Benchmarking” Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released proposed changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) benchmark rebasing methodology. The rule also includes several other significant changes that impact risk.

HFMA February 8, 2016

HFMA Comments on Medicare Program IPPS 0.2 Percent Reduction

HFMA comments on the assumptions CMS used to justify cutting payments to hospitals under the IPPS by .2% as outlined in Medicare Program: Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems; 0.2 Percent Reduction.

HFMA February 2, 2016

Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment Model Final Rule Fact Sheet

This document summarizes the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) model final rule released by CMS in the November 24, 2015, Federal Register.

HFMA January 19, 2016

Summary of CMMI Accountable Health Communities Model

This document provides information on the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation's (CMMI's) three-track Accountable Health Communities Model designed to test whether or not integrating social supports into the delivery system will have a positive impact on health outcomes and expenditures. 

HFMA January 13, 2016
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