Chapter Bylaws

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Chapters are encouraged to review their bylaws on an annual basis, particularly the following sections:

  • Article 4 Officers
  • Section 5.3 Composition
  • Terms of Officers, Directors, and Committees

Model Bylaws (highlighted sections are areas that are customizable to each chapter)

Please reach out to the Volunteer Experience Team with any questions about this process.

Chapters may consider amending the following sections:

  • Section 4.3 Election and Term of Office (c)
    • Vice President is an optional position
    • Secretary and Treasurer positions can be combined or separate
    • Length and number of terms can vary for Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
  • Section 5.3 Composition
    • The total number of members can be modified, but it is best practice to have an odd number of voting members. Standard variance of four between maximum and minimum number of Board members.
    • The past president can be either voting or non-voting.
    • Representation from a hospital or other healthcare association can be removed or added as needed. These roles are non-voting members of the Board.
  • Section 5.4 Election and Term of Office (Directors) – Length and number of terms can be modified
  • Section 5.6 Removal of Directors – Number of meetings to attend to not be considered for removal from Board.
  • Section 6.1 Committees of the Board of Directors – Number of terms
  • Section 6.3 Executive Committee (b)
    • The Executive Committee may consist of only the officers of the chapter.
    • The number of at-large members may be modified.
  • Section 6.7 Nominating Committee – The number of members may be modified, however the minimum is two (2).
  • Section 6.8 Financial Review Committee – The number of members may be modified, however the minimum is two (2)

The amendment process is outlined in Section 16.2 of the bylaws.