
David Johnson: Fortune telling healthcare’s dismal future

January 1970 was a long time ago. Richard Nixon celebrated the first anniversary of his presidency. The Vietnam War was raging. The Paris Peace Accords, the Arab oil embargo, stagflation, wage and price controls, devaluation of the dollar, the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Nixon’s historic trip…

David W. Johnson February 23, 2024

Sanford Health selects Scott Wooten as CFO  

Following a comprehensive national search, Sanford Health in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has named Scott Wooten, MBA, FACHE, as executive vice president and CFO. Wooten is a seasoned finance leader in the nonprofit healthcare sector. Prior to joining Sanford, he led Wooten Strategic Advisors, providing consulting services to physician groups, health systems, insurance companies, retail…

Crystal Milazzo January 29, 2024

Jill Geisler: 8 proactive ways to keep your top performers engaged 

Here’s to the best performers on your team. Their high standards, reliability, creativity and problem-solving skills are a joy to behold. They’re your self-starters, your pacesetters, your go-to people — the ones who’d leave a big hole in the operation if you lost them.  And you surely don’t want to lose them. That’s why managers…

Jill Geisler January 29, 2024

Dennis Dahlen: New year, not-so-new struggles call for revamped approach

In January, 8,000 investors, innovators and market participants gathered in San Francisco for the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. This gathering has become a required event for healthcare leaders to take stock of the industry. You could feel the pulse of the conference accelerate during key moments, like when comments from an FDA regulator led to…

Dennis E. Dahlen, FHFMA, MBA, CPA January 26, 2024

Alan Lovelace: Healthcare CFOs require stamina to respond to post-COVID pressure

What can modern hospital or health system CFOs do to keep their organizations on a stable financial footing in the financially fraught post-COVID-19 era? In answering this question, most CFOs will begin by telling horror stories and tales of woe involving revenue squeezes and expense proliferations. Pressures come from everywhere, including:  It’s tough being a…

Steven Berger, FHFMA January 25, 2024

Gail Wilensky: How the pandemic created a new impetus for improved care coordination

The COVID-19 pandemic proved to be a catalyst for many significant changes in healthcare delivery. Some were intentional, representing seized opportunities to improve processes. But other changes were forced on the industry as a result of constraints imposed by the pandemic. One of the most significant of these changes, for example, has been the industry’s…

Gail R Wilensky, PhD December 19, 2023

As healthcare defragments, payers grow stronger 

Two professional memories from the past two decades come to mind as I look to the horizon and try to see where this industry is headed, as all healthcare investors must do.   The first memory is of the constant refrain I heard from healthcare executives in Nashville, Tennessee, as I was learning the ropes of…

Marcus Whitney December 12, 2023

Jill Geisler: Tips on how to be an accessible, approachable leader 

Ask people about the leaders they most admire, and they’re likely to describe someone who’s not only smart and strategic, but also approachable and accessible.  Those respected leaders make that aura of warmth and welcome look easy, but we know the real story. It’s hard work. And it isn’t getting easier. Tackling business, technology, regulatory…

Jill Geisler December 11, 2023

Kaleida Health taps Matthew Drake and Hugh Chisholm for  new roles  

Two HFMA fellows have been appointed to new leadership positions at Kaleida Health, the largest healthcare provider in Western New York.   Matthew Drake, FHFMA, MBA, is the health system’s new executive vice president of strategy and partnerships. Drake, a member of HFMA’s Rochester Regional Chapter, previously was Kaleida’s executive vice president and CFO. Prior to…

Crystal Milazzo December 11, 2023

Dennis Dahlen: It’s time to look at what’s working — and what isn’t — in reducing care costs 

There’s a surprising phenomenon taking place in Medicare spending — and it points to the need to look deeper when it comes to healthcare cost containment.  For years, Medicare was viewed as the nation’s “budget buster,” with spending spiraling so quickly that some budget experts predicted no amount of tax money could sustain it. And…

Dennis E. Dahlen, FHFMA, MBA, CPA December 11, 2023
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