Cost Effectiveness of Health

News Briefs: Financial and operational pressures continue for hospitals amid scattered positive signs

Recent financial data for the hospital industry illustrate continuing challenges even as some trends improve. Fitch Ratings released an analysis in early March that offers scant reason for optimism. Titled “Early NFP hospital medians show expected deterioration; will worsen,” it draws on data from hospitals with earlier 2022 financial year-ends. Those numbers show “materially weaker…

Nick Hut March 30, 2023

Joe Fifer: The courage to reframe healthcare to encompass ‘health’ 

Whether you’ve worked in this field for a day or a decade, when someone asks you what business you’re in, the answer is easy: Healthcare. And your meaning is clear. Imagine if you had answered, “health,” instead. Suddenly, that word raises more questions than it answers. Does the health business refer to fitness or nutrition,…

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 29, 2023

Reports on patient safety indicate progress, challenges and a need to focus on pediatric mental health

Recent reports add context to the issue of patient safety in hospitals and health systems. ECRI released a report that ranks the pediatric mental health crisis as the No. 1 patient safety issue in healthcare. The report cites a JAMA study that found increases of 29% in anxiety and 27% in depression between 2016 and…

Nick Hut March 29, 2023

Healthcare 2030: Leveraging good leadership to work toward financial sustainability

HFMA Senior Editor Paul Barr discusses Volume 2 of the Healthcare 2030 series. Katie Sklarsky from Chartis talks about financial sustainability, and Danielle Solomon from FORVIS talks about the importance of good leadership in times of change.

Erika Grotto March 27, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: Medicare to negotiate reduced prices for 40 drugs by 2028, says study

Medicare drug price negotiation has the potential to benefit Medicare beneficiaries across some of the most common disease states.

Deborah Filipek March 23, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: Most board members of the nation’s top hospitals work in finance or business

Less than 15% of board members at a sampling of the nation’s top hospitals are health professionals, while 56% work in finance or business. Since 2014, the number of medically disenfranchised people in the U.S. nearly doubled from 56 million to over 100 million, causing stress for providers and lower rates of immunization and rising…

Deborah Filipek March 17, 2023

David Johnson: Why healthcare’s cupboard is bare — its funding gravy train has run out of steam

Gravy train is a railroad term that originated in the early 1900s. It described a well-paid train run that didn’t require much effort. In modern parlance, speakers use it to describe easy-to-do tasks and cushy situations. The problem with gravy trains is that riding them too long engenders lazy, sloppy and wasteful behaviors. New York…

David W. Johnson March 16, 2023

Data capture and coding for social determinants of health are works in progress, per reports

In the effort to bring social determinants of health (SDoH) more under the purview of healthcare providers, one tricky aspect is establishing a data and coding infrastructure. Recent reports highlight this challenge. For example, a survey conducted for the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) found that although 78% of 2,637 respondents said their organizations…

Nick Hut March 10, 2023

Financial and operational pressures continue for hospitals amid some positive signs

New financial data for the hospital industry illustrate continuing challenges even as some trends improve. Fitch Ratings released an analysis in early March that offers scant reason for optimism. Titled “Early NFP Hospital Medians Show Expected Deterioration; Will Worsen,” it draws on data from hospitals with earlier 2022 financial year-ends. Those numbers show “materially weaker…

Nick Hut March 6, 2023

Affordability of healthcare is not enhanced when providers form health systems, studies find

The efficiencies gained when providers operate as a health system don’t always translate to care that is more cost-effective, according to two recently published JAMA studies on pricing. In one study, researchers with Harvard Medical School and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) examined 2018 data from various sources, including CMS administrative data, IRS…

Nick Hut March 1, 2023
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