Cost Effectiveness of Health

5 things to know about Medicare’s FY24 final rule for inpatient payments as hospitals foresee adverse impacts

The FY24 final rule for Medicare inpatient payments didn’t bring hospitals the type of rate update they sought, and for some organizations a bigger concern is changes to uncompensated care (UC) payments and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments. Here are five big points about the regulations, which take effect Oct. 1 and also cover Medicare…

Nick Hut August 2, 2023

The latest on hospital finances: Signs of improvement, but margins remain tight

Industry-level hospital financial insights reflect the mixed results of a recovery that’s in progress but is expected to be a long slog. In a 2023 midyear report (login required), Moody’s Investors Service noted that margins are below 3% for a third of the company’s rated hospitals. Before the pandemic, only about 6% had margins in…

Nick Hut July 27, 2023

A projected Medicare physician payment decrease spurs more calls to reform the system

Physician advocacy groups vehemently expressed concern about the financial consequences of CMS’s proposed rule for Medicare physician payments in 2024, intensifying a push to modify the payment system. At a time of elevated expenses in healthcare, total payments would be reduced by a projected 1.25% relative to 2023. That would follow a 2% decrease from…

Nick Hut July 24, 2023

Service-line strategies require reevaluating in light of operational realities

The many operational and financial headwinds that are buffeting health systems should prompt leadership teams to revisit the strategic direction, goals and performance of their service lines and clinical programs. Health systems are facing significant — and likely permanent — structural shifts in operating costs, staffing and options for where many procedures can be delivered.…

Matthew Bates July 19, 2023

10 Vital Responses to Healthcare Disruption

Disruption is reverberating throughout the healthcare industry, and it’s incumbent on legacy organizations to develop strategic responses for the benefit of their consumers, their communities and themselves. With that overarching challenge becoming ever more pressing, HFMA’s 2023 Spring Thought Leadership Retreat brought together leaders from across the industry May 4-5 in Atlanta to consider approaches…

Nick Hut July 11, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: How Americans and healthcare organizations could benefit from a focus on health span versus life span 

Even though the average life span is 77.9 years in the U.S., Deloitte calculated that Americans are living just 65.9 years, or 85% of their years, in good health.  Eleven member institutions, organizations and individuals supported the Association of American Medical Colleges’ statement on the SCOTUS decision on race-conscious admissions.  Health spending through 2031 is expected…

Deborah Filipek July 7, 2023

Annual Conference: How Mayo Clinic establishes the mindset and processes that foster innovation

Hospitals and health systems must adapt their practices using an innovator’s mindset to keep up with the change sweeping the industry, according to a presentation this week at HFMA’s Annual Conference. “Innovation, at this point in our industry’s landscape, is pretty critical,” said Praveen Mekala, enterprise division chair with Mayo Clinic, referring to the problems…

Nick Hut June 29, 2023

Annual Conference: Healthcare entrepreneur Alex Oshmyansky describes his efforts to disrupt drug pricing

Arguably no segment of the healthcare industry is more susceptible to disruption than the market for prescription drugs, as Alex Oshmyansky, MD, PhD, made clear Wednesday morning during the closing session of HFMA’s Annual Conference. Oshmyansky spoke about his personal efforts to disrupt the pharmaceutical market in his role as co-founder and CEO of Mark…

Nick Hut June 28, 2023

Annual Conference: Keynote speaker Thomas Fisher tells a disturbing story about denial of care

Thomas Fisher, MD, MPH, author and emergency room physician for University of Chicago Medicine, might have made some members of the audience uncomfortable Tuesday at HFMA’s Annual Conference as he described a scenario that reflects poorly on at least one hospital. The situation boiled down to this: A man with a broken jaw and without…

Paul Barr, MS, MBA June 27, 2023

Annual Conference: HFMA Chair Dennis Dahlen issues a call to action for healthcare finance professionals

The concept of punctuated equilibrium refers to systems that experience isolated episodes of dramatic evolution intermixed with long periods of stasis or something close to it. Dennis Dahlen, who on Tuesday morning was installed as HFMA’s National Chair for FY23-24, thinks the hypothesis applies to healthcare. Speaking to Annual Conference attendees, Dahlen, the CFO of…

Nick Hut June 27, 2023
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