Cost Reduction

7 ways to address financial barriers to medication adherence and contain costs

When patients are able to afford their medications, they are also more likely to take those medications as prescribed, thereby avoiding costly hospitalizations and ED visits. Lower costs in this way helps healthcare providers achieve success under value-based payment models that reward high-quality, low-cost care.

Shirley Titus June 13, 2019

5 tactics to reduce clinical costs and improve performance

Learn about clinical cost reduction strategies and examples.

Rob Gamble June 13, 2019

Example from the field: Managing clinical costs at a large, academic health system

One healthcare provider recognized that it would be impossible to make a material impact on clinical costs without also addressing related areas such as operational expenses and revenue cycle optimization.

Rob Gamble June 6, 2019

Mayo Clinic Laboratories uses data, clinician teams to identify cost savings

Just one lab utilization initiative can have a massive financial impact, says Andrew Cousin of Mayo Clinic Laboratories. Don’t be so overwhelmed by the scope that you do not take that first small step.

Laura Ramos Hegwer June 5, 2019

Drivers of healthcare cost growth, and commercial health plans’ responses

Efforts to control the growth of healthcare costs nationwide have focused on reducing variation both in utilization and price.

HFMA May 27, 2019

Hospitals Save When They Reduce Food Waste

Addressing food waste can help the environment and hospitals’ bottom lines.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 27, 2019

Boosting Accountability Helps ProMedica Save $108 Million in 2018

Each year, leaders at ProMedica set a 3 percent cost-reduction goal, which they believe is achievable and still has a significant impact on the bottom line.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 19, 2019

Health plan data helps physicians, but additional insight would improve outcomes

A patient-centered medical home program has fostered collaborative relationships between a health plan and participating providers, but one provider says the program would be even more effective if the data supplied by the health plan were more actionable.

Lola Butcher May 16, 2019

Analysis: Walmart’s provider partnerships address cost reduction, patient experience and outcomes

Walmart’s venture into healthcare cost savings for its employees has wide-ranging potential financial impacts for hospitals and health systems.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 15, 2019

6 Steps to Effective Document Retention and Destruction

Implementing a document retention/destruction process avoids unnecessary storage fees and potential legal issues.

Stephen Carrabba May 15, 2019
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