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HFMA comments on the Delay of RAC Appeals assigned to Administrative Law Judges

HFMA voices concern and comments on the recent Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals decision to suspend assignment of new RAC appeals cases to Administrative Law Judges.

HFMA March 25, 2014

Forum Webinar: Revisiting Charity Care Policies

During this March 18 Forum networking webinar, three speakers shared how the expansion of Medicaid, the rollout of the insurance exchanges, and the increase in patient out-of-pocket expenses is causing hospitals and other providers to revisit their charity care policies.

HFMA March 20, 2014

Ask the Expert: Staffing Benchmarks

I am looking for staffing benchmarks for the Patient Accounting area: number of accounts/per FTE and number of hours per account

HFMA March 19, 2014

HFMA Comments on Medicare DSH Payment Reductions

With weeks remaining in the open enrollment period it appears highly unlikely that the CBO's May 2013 estimate of a reduction in the uninsured by 14 million individuals in 2014 will be achieved. 

HFMA March 13, 2014

CY14 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule Fact Sheet

This fact sheet sumarrizes the payment changes applicable to physicians under the CY14 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule released by CMS.

HFMA February 26, 2014

Comment Letter to CMS: FY14 IPPS Proposed Rule

Read HFMA's comments to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regarding its FY2014 proposed rule for Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems.

HFMA February 6, 2014

HFMA Supports the Two-Midnight Rule Delay Act (H.R. 3698)

HFMA believes a workable approach is to delay enforcement of the two-midnight rule until October 1, 2014. During this delay, CMS will work with stakeholders to develop alternate policy solutions.

HFMA January 30, 2014

HFMA urges support for the Stark Administrative Simplification Act (H.R. 3776)

HFMA urges support for the Stark Administrative Simplification Act (H.R. 3776) introduced by Rep. Charles Boustany, MD, and Rep. Ron Kind.

HFMA January 23, 2014

Medical Account Resolution Best Practices

Recommendations crafted by HFMA's Medical Debt Task Force are intended to improve the medical account resolution process for patients and providers alike. The best practices provide guidance on resolving financial obligations before, during, and after a patient visits a hospital or other healthcare setting.

HFMA January 14, 2014

HFMA Medical Debt Task Force

HFMA partnered with ACA International and gathered a task force of stakeholders to establish best practices for the fair resolution of patients' medical bills. The stakeholders represented include a diverse group of providers, consumer advocates, collections agencies, and credit bureaus.

HFMA January 14, 2014