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Medical Account Resolution Best Practices

Recommendations crafted by HFMA's Medical Debt Task Force are intended to improve the medical account resolution process for patients and providers alike. The best practices provide guidance on resolving financial obligations before, during, and after a patient visits a hospital or other healthcare setting.

HFMA January 14, 2014

HFMA Medical Debt Task Force

HFMA partnered with ACA International and gathered a task force of stakeholders to establish best practices for the fair resolution of patients' medical bills. The stakeholders represented include a diverse group of providers, consumer advocates, collections agencies, and credit bureaus.

HFMA January 14, 2014

HFMA Comment Letter: CMS Should Test the Readiness for ICD-10 Implementation

HFMA urges CMS to undertake a comprehensive approach to testing the readiness of the Medicare contractors and state Medicaid agencies for the October 1, 2014, ICD-10 implementation.

HFMA January 10, 2014

CY14 OPPS Final Rule Fact Sheet

This document summarizes the updates to the OPPS final rule for CY14. 

HFMA December 20, 2013

The Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier: Summary of National Provider Call

Beginning in 2015, physicians will be financially rewarded by Medicare for providing higher-quality, more efficient care. Here’s what CMS told providers about the payment adjustment during a Dec. 3 call.

HFMA December 16, 2013

Video Archive

Catch up on HFMA's video series, From the President’s Desk: A Monthly Video with HFMA’s Joe Fifer.

HFMA December 3, 2013

Highlights from Nov. 12 Open Door Forum on 2-Midnight Rule

On Nov. 12, 2013, CMS hosted a third, follow-up special open door forum to allow providers and other interested parties to ask questions on those areas of the two-midnight provision contained in the FY14 IPPS final rule, pertaining to physician order and certification, inpatient hospital admission, and medical review criteria.

HFMA November 21, 2013

FY14 IPPS Changes to Certain Cost Reporting Procedures Related to DSH Uncompensated Care Payments

This fact sheet summarizes the changes to the operational procedures for reconciling Medicare disproportionate care payments for hospitals with cost reporting periods spanning more than one federal fiscal year.

HFMA November 14, 2013

Forum Webinar: Laying the Groundwork for Bundled Payment Success

Forum members have exclusive access to the audio and slides from the Nov. 5 Forum Networking Webinar on bundled payment, as well as past events on KPIs, ICD-10, and physician compensation, among other topics.

HFMA November 12, 2013

HFMA Executive Survey: Clinical Documentation Meets Financial Performance

In this survey of hospital CFOs and other senior-level executives, HFMA researchers share industry views on areas of CDI priority, opportunity, common barriers, and use of outsourcing to support more accurate and complete documentation and charge capture.

HFMA October 30, 2013