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Latest Work
HFMA Executive Survey: Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use
Almost one-quarter of organizations spent more than $7,500 per bed in 2012 to achieve or maintain meaningful use, according to a survey of more than 100 hospital and health system CFOs.
Forum Webinar: Developing Compliant Physician Compensation Practices
Two experts who discussed the key steps to managing a physician valuation program and the ins and outs of common service agreements with physicians.
Forum Webinar: Effectively Using KPIs to Measure and Improve Revenue Cycle Performance
The session included a case study and sample tools from OhioHealth.
HFMA Comment Letter to CMS: FY14 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals
HFMA prepared a comment letter on key issues contained in CMS's 2014 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals.
FY14 IPPS Final Rule Overview
This fact sheet contains information on the updates to hospital payment rates under the inpatient prospective payment system for fiscal year 2014.
Fact Sheet: Standards for Consumer Assistance Programs for Healthcare Insurance Exchanges
This fact sheet provides details of CMS's rule outlining training requirements applicable to assistance personnel in healthcare insurance exchanges mandated under the Affordable Care Act.
At a Glance: What the Final Health Insurance Exchange Navigator Rule Means for Providers
Can hospitals and health systems serve as navigators or other assisters for the health insurance marketplaces? Here’s what the CMS final rule has to say.
CY14 OPPS Proposed Rule Fact Sheet
This fact sheet contains information on the proposed rule released by CMS updating payments to outpatient hospitals paid under the Medicare OPPS, and ambulatory surgical centers for CY14. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposed rule with comment period that updates payment policies and rates for services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries in hospital outpatient departments and establishes payments for services furnished in ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) beginning January 1, 2014. In addition, CMS proposes to update and refine the requirements for the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting Program, the ASC Quality Reporting Program, and the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program.
Overview of Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Allotment Reductions
This document summarizes the proposed rule requiring reductions to state Medicaid disproportionate share hospital allotments required under the ACA from FY14 through FY20. CMS released a proposed rule requiring aggregate reductions to state Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) allotments. The rule, required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), sets forth aggregate reductions to state Medicaid DSH allotments annually from FY14 through FY20. The proposed rule also delineates the DSH health reform methodology (DHRM) to implement the annual reductions for FY14 and FY15, and proposes to add additional DSH reporting requirements for use in implementing the DHRM.
Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Adjustment Fact Sheet
This document summarizes the major changes to the disproportionate share (DSH) payment adjustment that hospitals serving a significantly disproportionate number of low-income patients can qualify for, as outlined in the FY14 IPPS proposed rule.