Nick Hut

About the Author

Nick Hut

Latest Work

HHS delays implementation of rule requiring FQHCs to provide insulin, epinephrine at 340B prices

HHS has postponed a Trump administration regulation that would require federally qualified health centers to make certain drugs more affordable for low-income patients and will consider whether to withdraw the rule altogether.

Nick Hut March 24, 2021

Site-neutral payments could reduce healthcare spending by at least $350 billion over 10 years, report finds

If site-neutral payments were implemented throughout healthcare, the reduction in expenditures could total as much as $672 billion over a decade, according to a new report.

Nick Hut March 22, 2021

What healthcare stakeholders should know about the new COVID-19 relief legislation

New COVID-19 relief legislation includes funding for rural hospitals, provisions to increase the affordability of health insurance and more items of note for healthcare providers.

Nick Hut March 19, 2021

HHS to provide funding for administration of COVID-19 advanced therapies in vulnerable communities

HHS announced a $150 million investment to make available monoclonal antibody therapeutic treatments for patients in vulnerable communities nationwide.

Nick Hut March 18, 2021

Disproportionate Share Hospital funding to states doesn’t match up with key benchmarks, report finds

Disproportionate Share Hospital payments don’t always align with key metrics such as uninsured rates and uncompensated care costs, a new policy report finds.

Nick Hut March 17, 2021

Providers that administer the COVID-19 vaccine are getting a payment bump from CMS

Providers will receive an increase in the Medicare payment rate for administering the COVID-19 vaccine starting March 15, CMS announced.

Nick Hut March 15, 2021

For rural hospitals, affiliations with large health systems can be a mixed bag

Significant declines in inpatient admissions among rural hospitals that eventually close may be a consequence of affiliations with health systems.

Nick Hut March 12, 2021

Wall Street is upbeat about the financial outlook for hospitals coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, but many challenges remain

While Wall Street thinks hospitals have a good chance to stabilize their finances in the coming year, a report issued by the American Hospital Association says the adverse effects of the pandemic will continue to be felt.

Nick Hut March 10, 2021

Hospital job losses continued in February and were greater in January than previously reported

Hospitals lost positions in February, but the biggest news in the latest batch of jobs data was a negative adjustment to January numbers.

Nick Hut March 8, 2021

With insolvency looming for the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, provider payments could be impacted

The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, used to pay for Part A hospital care, is on track to become insolvent as soon as 2024. Insolvency could lead to delays in payments to providers and adversely affect patient access.

Nick Hut March 8, 2021