Chapter Life Memberships

Chapter Resource Center » Awards and Recognition » Chapter Life Memberships

Get familiar with the process for nominating retired members for Chapter Life Membership.

What is a Chapter Life Membership?

Chapter Life Membership may be conferred upon a member to recognize outstanding chapter accomplishments.

What are the requirements?

To initiate the process, a member must be a retired member in good standing. 

What is the process?

The Chapter’s Board of Directors must act to recommend conferral of Chapter Life Membership on the Retired Member. 

The Chapter President should write a letter to the Director, Member Service Center:

  • Confirming chapter board action;
  • Explaining, based on the individual’s biographical information, why the chapter is recommending Chapter Life Membership;
  • Enclosing a chapter check for $275 covering five years of retired dues ($55 per year);
  • Recommending that HFMA’s Board of Directors approve the conferral of Chapter Life Membership.

Mail the Chapter Life Membership request letter to:

Attn: Director, Member Service Center
2001 Butterfield Road, Suite 1500
Downers Grove, IL 60515

How long does the process take?

Since the recommendation must be approved by the Regional Executive Council and the HFMA National Board, the completed request must be received at least six weeks prior to a meeting of the HFMA National Board to be placed on the Board agenda. If the National Board approves the recommendation, the chapter president will be notified and a Chapter Life Member certificate will be processed and sent to the Chapter President. A Chapter Life Member is exempt from all further dues.

Submission deadlines
Annual deadlines to submit Chapter Life recommendations to be placed on the Board’s agenda are:

  • May 1 for the June Board Meeting
  • October 1 for the November Board Meeting
  • March 1 for the April Board Meeting

For assistance or inquiries, email the Volunteer Experience Team