Connecticut Chapter

Diamond Sponsors

President’s Welcome


Paul Krsiak, MBA-HCM
CT HFMA President, 2024-2025

Volunteer Opportunities

Become a leader. Be an active Chapter Member.

Check Out Our Fourth Annual Chapter Resource Guide!

Back by popular demand!  We are happy to announce the fourth edition of our Chapter Resource Guide.  It’s hard to believe a year has gone by since our last publication but we have had a lot going on behind the scenes to get this publication out.   Similar to last year, you will find interactive links to Advertisements, contact info and event registration while also providing perspective from industry experts and your fellow members! 

We will continue to add pictures, chapter updates, and compelling articles/interviews with healthcare and political leaders.  So please check the guide frequently and we will also continue send out communications when new content is added. 

CT HFMA 2023 – 2024 Chapter Resource Guide

And if you are interested in helping with the Chapter Resource Guide or social media, please reach out to us at [email protected] to learn more about volunteering with our Communications committee!

Thank you to our 2024-2025 Annual Sponsors

2024 – 2025 CT HFMA Annual Sponsorship Brochure

Platinum Sponsors

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