Hospital and health system outpatient, outreach and ancillary services are often confined to EHR systems to manage their billing. Designed for bigger-ticket, lower-volume claims, these systems lack specific front-end intelligence, system connectivity, and automation necessary to efficiently manage these departments’ unique billing need. Too often, the result is an unnecessarily high number of submission errors, processing delays, and claim denials. Insufficient analytics and reporting capabilities further complicate these challenges, preventing decision-makers from fully grasping scope, financial impacts, and root causes.
But there are solutions. We’ll take a close look at key revenue cycle processes, providing you with the tools to evaluate – and improve – you financial and billing workflow.
This whitepaper provides leaders in hospital outreach and outpatient services with tools to bridge those process and billing gaps often left by an enterprise EHR, helping readers:
Understand both common and hidden obstacles that impede efficient billing processes
Boost financial performance with practical, workflow-specific solutions – from patient registration and order entry to payment posting
Empower effective financial decision-making through reporting and analysis tools and resources
Mitigate risk by shoring up potential security and compliance gaps
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