
Successful Healthcare Financial Management Requires Imagination and a Solid Plan

Although many healthcare finance leaders may feel that strategic planning is second nature to them, they can benefit from routinely revisiting the process to learn from the experiences of others and to ensure that are taking all the steps that are necessary for success.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA November 1, 2018

Improving Your Odds for Successful M&A

Although access to technology provides a strong draw in merger and acquisition activity, concerns remain regarding culture fit and high valuation multiples. As always, let the buyer beware.

Brad Haller November 1, 2018

Improving Patient Financial Engagement

A research highlight that delves into key takeaways from a June 2018 HFMA member survey about patient payment perspectives and strategies. 

HFMA October 30, 2018

Financing Facility Upgrades Through Real Estate Monetization

By reallocating investment dollars from real estate to facility development and upgrades, health providers can build value while also reducing financial and administrative burdens.

Thomas Biga October 30, 2018

Value-Focused Healthcare Strategy Must Be Multifaceted

Moving to a value-based payment model involves change and requires a strategy focused on both managing costs and enabling growth of the enterprise.

Theresa Hush October 29, 2018

A Short Guide to Avoiding Unwelcome Surprises

Surprise medical bills are a top concern of American consumers today. HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer introduces a guide to help consumers avoid these unexpected out-of-network bills.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA October 29, 2018

Why Your Access Strategy Demands Pricing Transparency

Consumers have come to expect price transparency in health care, which has greatly increased the strategic and operational importance of providers’ charge master descriptions and other pricing frameworks.

Nicholas Malenka, MHA October 29, 2018

Acquiring Physician Practices: Key Strategic Considerations for a Successful Transaction

Health systems seeking to acquire physician practices should first develop a thoughtful physician acquisition strategy that considers factors such as whether the focus will be on primary care physicians or specialists and the extent to which the strategy is offensive or defensive. 

Kyle Tormoehlen, ASA October 29, 2018

Selecting the Right Costing Model

By using cost data at appropriate levels of accuracy and detail to support decision making, hospital finance leaders can minimize the risk of incorrect decisions caused by insufficiently precise data.

Paul Selivanoff, CPA October 29, 2018

Building a Magnet Physician Enterprise: A Critical Health System Priority in the Value Market

Having a magnet physician enterprise that promotes physician satisfaction and engagement is a critical success factor for health systems under value-focused healthcare models.

Robert A. Dickinson, MBA October 29, 2018
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