Finance and Business Strategy

Healthcare Strategy in the Year of Uncertainty

Economics continues to overshadow politics as a driver of healthcare strategy for providers, with market forces looming large even amid legislative uncertainty.

Aamer Mumtaz May 15, 2017

Ask the Experts: Medical Equipment Leasing

What are the current leasing trends for medical equipment?

HFMA May 12, 2017

Understanding the Current State of MACRA

Hospitals and their employed physicians should take certain actions now to avoid penalties and ensure proper payment under MACRA, as well look at future education and staffing needs.

Chris Stanley, MD, MBA May 12, 2017

Finding Success with Provider-Sponsored Health Plans During Uncertain Times

Community Health Choice, a provider-sponsored health plan started by Harris Health System, has grown its marketplace membership from 300 enrollees to 150,000 over four enrollment periods. Despite uncertainty about the future of federal healthcare laws and the marketplaces, the health plan says that it may still experience growth in 2018.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 12, 2017

Strategic Financial Planning: Summer 2017

Subscribers can access the Summer 2017 issue of Strategic Financial Planning.

HFMA May 11, 2017

Hospital CEOs Name Top Financial Challenges

Hospital CEOs top three financial concerns were Medicaid payment, staff and supply costs, and operating costs.


Refunding Bonds to Optimize Savings

By refunding longer bond maturities with shorter, cheaper maturities, low rates can translate into sizable debt service savings.

HFMA May 11, 2017

Facts in Healthcare Finance: Is Spinning the Numbers Unethical?

A hospital CFO’s ability to separate facts from opinions and perspectives sets the stage for organizational integrity.

William Marty Martin May 11, 2017

Henry Ford Health System Builds a Population Health Management Platform

The health system’s plan for value-based care involves centralizing core population health management functions and integrating data from multiple sources.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 11, 2017

2 Ways to Achieve the Benefits of Rolling Forecasting

Rolling forecasting can be an effective approach for financial modeling and is flexible enough to meet varied organizational structures. It can help to increase accountability and encourage efficiency and other process improvements.

Jeff Goldstein May 11, 2017
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