Hawaii Chapter

President’s Welcome

Welcome to Hawaii HFMA!

I am honored to serve the Hawaii Chapter as the 2024-2025 President.

As we step into a new year, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our members, sponsors, and volunteers it’s because of your support and partnership that the “small but mighty” Hawaii Chapter is able to flourish and grow!

In the past few years our chapter has seen tremendous growth and volunteerism, our Board of Directors work tirelessly to ensure we are offering creditable up-to-date information that is not only relevant but impactful.

I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to meet many people across both our beautiful state and on the mainland who truly care about their work and the impact it has on our communities, this alone is a true testament of the learning opportunities, fellowship, and aloha spirt our chapter is known for. In the coming year we look forward to continuing opportunities for community projects, continued education, and fellowship. I encourage you to visit our site to view the upcoming events.

Mahalo for joining us on this journey. Together I know we will make a difference!

Embracing the journey with curiosity and courage,

Alyssa Correia
President, HFMA Hawaii Chapter 

Be on the lookout for our networking and educational events planned for HFMA Hawaii Chapter Members.

The HFMA Hawaii Team

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors