Enterprise Solutions

Give your team the tools and perspective to drive organizational performance.

Healthcare Office Photo

Organizational membership in HFMA’s Enterprise Solutions is designed to provide your team with the specialized tools, resources, and education that aligns with their career development goals and your unique business goals. 

Enterprise members include leaders with roles in strategic financial planning, training and education, talent development, patient access, and revenue integrity. These professionals leverage member benefits to build staff competencies and drive organizational performance. 

HFMA has a member roster ranging from large multi-hospital systems to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) facilities and everything in between. Companies focused on providing solutions to the healthcare finance industry are also among our members as valued business partners. 

Organizational memberships offer many benefits, including driving employee engagement, reducing costs and being a key factor in career development and employee retention. Read the independent research.

A membership for every type of organization.

Enterprise Solutions for Providers

Professional membership empowers hospitals, health systems, physician practices and health plans to invest in the development of their employees skills and industry knowledge. Fill out the form to the right for more information.

Enterprise Solutions for Business Partners

Partner with HFMA to gain access to the tools needed to support your clients and grow your business. Develop your team’s thought leadership through education, award-winning content and demonstrated expertise through earned HFMA credentials. Fill out the form to the right for more information.

Enterprise Solutions for Critical Access Hospitals

The challenges rural communities face are unique and so is this customized membership model, which includes access to industry-leading education, thought leadership resources, peer support platforms and the essential tools needed to keep up with the changing landscape. The Critical Access Hospital annual membership fee is $2,500. Learn more >

Enterprise Solutions for Indian Health Services

The challenges Indian Health Service facilities face are unique and so is this customized membership model, which includes access to industry-leading education, thought leadership resources, peer support platforms and the essential tools needed to keep up with the changing landscape. The Indian Health Service annual membership fee is $2,500. Learn more >

Learn how HFMA’s Enterprise Solutions can improve productivity and employee satisfaction in your organization.

“Enterprise Solutions and our partnership with HFMA has been fantastic. I would say exceeding my wildest expectations.”

Ben Carter
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Trinity Health

“Being an Enterprise member builds credibility within the industry. It also allows our employees to continue their industry education and build confidence with our clients.”

Julie Kay-Bonetti
President & Chief of Revenue Cycle, Cerner Government Services

“Enterprise membership really allowed us to create a platform for all of our finance colleagues so that they could access HFMA educational courses without us having to worry about the cost every time. This allows them to grow and develop as professionals. It has been great.”

Ben Carter
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Trinity Health

“The Certified Revenue Cycle Representative program was a major factor in becoming an Enterprise member. We’ve integrated HFMA’s industry education into our career development program to help our employees succeed.”

Leah Klinke
AVP of Hospital Revenue Cycle, WVU Medicine

Already an Enterprise Solutions member?

Start here to confirm your account with your business email address.

Confirm Your Enterprise Membership
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Interested in Enterprise Solutions for your organization? Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.


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Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call 800.252.4362.

“HFMA’s Enterprise Solutions allows us the opportunity to engage, develop, and retain talent in a cost-effective manner. At a time where discretionary spend is being scrutinized, this program brings together the best that HFMA has to offer in a way that positions us to optimize organizational results.”

Hugh P Chisholm, CPA, FHFMA
Vice President, Finance, Rochester Regional Health