
March 2017

Read the March 2017 issue of Leadership magazine.

HFMA March 27, 2017

Medical Trainees Learn to Recognize Clinical Overuse

Brandon Combs says a voluntary writing exercise at University of Colorado School of Medicine helps medical trainees reflect on patient harms arising from clinical overuse.

Brandon Combs March 27, 2017

‘Security’ is Being Prepared for Career Opportunities

Kari Cornicelli, vice president and CFO for Sharp Metropolitan Medical Campus in San Diego, writes about finding security by creating opportunities for yourself. Some of the challenges you may be facing now can lead you down a path of opportunity that you hadn't previously considered. 

Kari Cornicelli March 24, 2017

5 Steps to Overcoming Your Fears

HFMA Career Coach Joe Abel looks at what holds people back from pursuing new career opportunities, and he walks through five steps that can help eliminate fears to help you move forward. 

Joe Abel, CPCC, ACC, PhD March 24, 2017

Confronting Your Fear is the Key to Living a Meaningful Life

About 30 years ago, a concerned friend gave Hilda Villaverde, PhD, a book that improved her life: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers. She writes about how the book served as her personal wake-up call to examine what was meaningful in her life. 

Hilda Villaverde March 23, 2017

Success is About Scaling the Wall in Front of You

Christina Caraballo, senior healthcare strategist for Get Real Health, shares how the sport of parkour has helped her scale walls of opposition in her personal and professional life to help her reach new heights. 

Christina Caraballo March 23, 2017

Safety in Numbers: Key to Wealth Accumulation is Discipline

Nancy Tengler, senior vice president and chief investment officer for Heartland Financial USA Inc., says well-executed investment discipline can provide stability and financial security for women of all ages and income levels. But, as with any discipline, it requires diligence, practice, and plenty of patience. 

Nancy Tengler March 23, 2017

HFMA Executive Roundtable: Voices on Value: Key Insights From Top CFOs

In this roundtable, several industry-leading CFOs discuss how they approach their daunting responsibilities and act as financial stewards of multifaceted organizations.

HFMA March 23, 2017

Put Fear Aside and Unlock Those Golden Handcuffs

When the position that Cally Christensen had served in for a decade was eliminated, she saw it as an opportunity to create the life she always wanted. In this article, she takes us through her thought process as she reinvented herself as a consultant and executive coach. 

Cally Christensen March 22, 2017

Preparing the Healthcare Workforce for Value

Healthcare leaders are taking various steps to ensure their workforces evolve to meet the demands of value-based care, but long-term solutions require collaboration across the spectrum of care.

Karen Wagner March 22, 2017
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