
Where Passion Meets Purpose: HFMA’s 2017-18 Chair Theme

Healthcare finance leaders are challenged to apply their knowledge and imaginations as stewards of their organizations to help transform health care to the benefit of patients and their families.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH May 23, 2017

How to mix business and pleasure, Texas-style.

Robert Barbier pulled off more than a hat trick when his latest business venture was able to combine his love of family, football, new friends, and his beloved alma mater.

HFMA May 23, 2017

APCs: An Important Primary Care Resource for Value-Based Care

Health systems should look to advanced practice clinicians, including nurse practitioners and physician assistants, as qualified providers who can fill the gaps in primary care resulting from a declining supply of primary care physicians.

David Fairchild, MD, MPH May 23, 2017

Hallmark Steering Committee Principles

One health system established clear rules of engagement and responsibilities for its steering committee charged with overseeing a performance improvement effort.

HFMA May 23, 2017

Why Employers Should Appreciate and Leverage a Multi-Generational Workplace

Millennials and Gen-Xers are driving significant change in the workplace that many employees across all generations want, writes HFMA Career Coach Joe Abel, and employers are wise to capitalize on this trend.

Joe Abel, CPCC, ACC, PhD May 22, 2017

May 2017

Read the May 2017 issue of Leadership magazine.

HFMA May 18, 2017

Facts in Healthcare Finance: Is Spinning the Numbers Unethical?

A hospital CFO’s ability to separate facts from opinions and perspectives sets the stage for organizational integrity.

William Marty Martin May 11, 2017

7 Valuable Tools to Ensure You Don’t Waste Another Meeting

Lucy Zielinski and Kate Geick of GE Healthcare Camden Group share tips and tools that can help your next meeting run more smoothly and garner more actionable results.

Lucy Zielinski May 10, 2017

The Outlook for Healthcare Finance Leaders

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA, talks about the merits of a short-term vs. long-term outlook for healthcare finance leaders.

HFMA May 8, 2017

Are You Truly Committed to Driving Financial Benefit from Clinical Standardization?

Advisory Board’s John Johnston discusses the importance of collaboration and commitment across the health system executive team in achieving meaningful, successful care standardization.

John Johnston May 4, 2017
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