Operations Management

Exploring Opportunities for Transforming a Healthcare Organization’s Cost Structure

On health system undertook a four-step process for performance improvement that involved developing organizational improvement targets and engaging division leaders to meet the targets at the division level.

William J. Doherty May 23, 2017

What’s Behind an Innovative Tool?

A specialized department to help clinicians and researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital get their innovative ideas to market.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 15, 2017

Direct Primary Care Gains Traction

Direct primary care is gaining a foothold in the healthcare industry because it promotes convenience for consumers and greater accountability among providers.

Lola Butcher May 15, 2017

Assessing the Value of Care

A healthcare finance leader, clinical leader, and health plan executive discuss best practices for assessing the value of healthcare drugs and services.

Kathleen Vega May 15, 2017

Toward a Common Vision for Value Based Care Metrics

Reporting dozens of potentially conflicting metrics from government and commercial payers can be a burden on providers, who seek ways to streamline or prioritize the number of metrics.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 15, 2017

Primary Care Provider Taps Grants To Fight Childhood Obesity

Through partnerships with local restaurants, community partners, schools and grocery stores, AltaMed Health Services estimates it has reached nearly 200,000 community members with healthier food options that stem diabetes and childhood obesity rates.

Ed Avis May 11, 2017

New Traditions of Efficiency in Emergency Medicine

Kenneth J. Heinrich discusses how efficient handling of emergency department patients can maximize revenue and increase patient satisfaction.

Kenneth J. Heinrich May 9, 2017

Improving Children’s Health Pays Dividends for Decades

Shahab Dadjou of Children’s Hospital of Orange County describes how the health system is creating a “community of pediatricians” who are collaborating to transform pediatric care in Southern California.

Shahab Dadjou May 4, 2017

Pharmaceutical Waste and the Bottom Line

The cost of disposing of expired drugs can reach the billions each year, making efficient pharmacy practices key in a time when healthcare organizations are looking for ways to control spending.

Holly Russo May 3, 2017

Using Data Analytics to Transform Healthcare Management and Reduce Clinical Variation

Hospitals and health systems have entered a new era in which data analytics will play an increasingly vital role in identifying opportunities for improved performance.

Laurie Jaccard May 2, 2017
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